
This is a Diversion


Bike Tour in Europe: taking your bike on the train

Yes, you can take your bike on the train, but we did find this the hardest and most stressful part of traveling with a bike in Europe.  And the least predictable.  Don't make your trip or time table contingent on catching a particular train!


Bike tour: planning and packing

After three weeks of biking through Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium,  here are some suggestions of what to bring, and what to plan for.

What to pack

In addition to the specialty bike gear mentioned in a previous post, here are some other things we found really handy:


Visiting Mainz, Germany

Mainz (Germany) is located where the river Mainz intersects with the river Rhine and from Frankfurt it is a beautiful bike ride along the river Mainz on a segregated bike path.   To cross the Rhine, you get to use a small track along the train bridge, which is pretty cool. 

Art Admiration

Victoria Breweries and Sights

For the lover of Art, Coffee, Beer and Diversions, here are some fun tips for a Victoria BC trip, and a reflection on story telling as well as random hedonistic enjoyment. Check out these Victoria craft breweries!
Beer Benevolence

Three Whistler and Squamish breweries

Visits to the tap rooms of Coast Mountain Brewing, Whistler Brewing Co and Howe Sound Brewing.

Forever will I thank the one who thought to serve beer as a 'flight'. The option to taste and enjoy without loosing the ability to assess is awesome for a light-weight like me, who loves options and hates to to be limited to a single choice. "Bring Them All!", I say, as I settle at the tasting table.


a Seat at the Table, Chinese Canadian Museum and MoV

History of Chinese immigration through food and restaurant culture.

Image removed.

-- Exhibition --

In the past few months, fate put in front of me various learning moments about British Columbia history that - to my embarrassment - I had no awareness of. A visit to Sun Yat Sen garden.


Historic Fort Langley town

Historic buildings, antique shopping and walks along the river

I am so torn, so torn. I love history, I love historic buildings and researching history. But.. as they say... historiography is very one sided. Take this description from Parks Canada: