
This is a Diversion


Nitobe Memorial Garden

Image removed.

[from: UBC Botanical Garden] "Nitobe Memorial Garden celebrates the memory of Dr. Inazō Nitobe (1862-1933), a remarkable Japanese figure whose goal was “to become a bridge across the Pacific.” Throughout his life, Dr.


Short Vancouver visit - best places to see on a low budget

If you only have a few days to spend when you visit Vancouver, here are some of the great things you should definitely do and see.

DISCLAIMER: I am an IT geek, and not a travel writer, nor a travel agent. It is up to you to check that all the info is still up to date. But I love sharing things that bring me joy, in the hope they will bring you some joy too! (again, pictures are mine unless otherwise attributed).

Art Admiration

Vancouver historic Marine Building (1930)

The Vancouver Marine Building, at 355 Burrard Street, is an art-deco building completed in 1930. As you would expect from such a building, both the exterior and the interior are highly decorated while the structure itself is graceful and simple.

Art Admiration

St Andrew's Church, North Vancouver, 1912

St. Andrew’s United Church at 1044 St. George’s Avenue in the City of North Vancouver was built in 1912. The architects were Alexander and Brown. However, the first St. Andrew’s, which at that time was a Presbyterian Church, was located on East 6th Street facing Victoria Park and built in 1904. The “new” church built in 1912 is the one we see today, a shingle-clad adaptation in the Gothic Revival style.


Sun Yat Sen Chinese Garden: Will Travel for Food Flight #4

A delightful evening at the Sun Yat-Sen Garden at the "Will Travel for Food" event on February 26. I hadn't been at this Chinese Garden for quite a while, and never at night - and it was magical. Walking through the lantern-lit garden at night was lovely and sampling the various vendor foods was delicious. Sam Shem brought us some special ice-cream that reminded me of green tea icecream but was more fruity. The lovely Olivia served amazing Hawthorne cocktails to those discerning enough to choose the alcoholic drink.