Vancurious Blog

Vancurious Wanderings

Vancurious wanders through the World; following Fancy and Folly.   Join as as we find Art, Beer, Coffee, Diversions, Events, and Flavours. 

This site is still shedding its Wordpress vestiges. If you see broken picture links - I am working on fixing them.

Beer Benevolence

I choose you, Deschutes!

My go-to favourite beer at the end of a long day is Deschute's Haze Tron Imperial Hazy IPA.   Nice milky-smooth mouthfeel, white grapefruit that winked at an apricot across the table but was too shy to walk over and have a chat.

This beer is not so over-the-top on complexity that you need to sit down, but also enough of a story line to keep you interested and coming back.

Recommend.   8% ABV and 55 IBUs


Story: World without end

Take One: HK

Aivyne took her phone out of her jeans pocket, checked the time and noted that she should hurry to make it to work on time.  Yet the forest whispered to her with the fresh earthy smells of moss and vines, of dew-covered soil and newly budded leaves.  Mist was rising from the ground where the early morning sun caressed it.  She put her phone back and gave it a pat on the outside of the pocket, to reassure it that she would be back soon.


Clergical stoles - traditions of distinction

Think of the last time you walked into a room.  Your mind trying to make sense of the scene: the objects, sounds, people present; your lizard brain sorting the space into 'safe' or 'suspect'.  Clothing provides a clue to identity, whether self defined or externally imposed.


Europe Brewery: Hertog Jan

The Hertog Jan brewery was opened in 1915 and the location was strategically chosen to be close to a natural springs, which provides the main ingredient for the beer.  The brewery took a lot of damage during WW II but was rebuilt.  However, in the 1980s the brewery was struggling and was looking to close.  A team of employees decided to take over the building and started to brew specialty beer instead of the historical pilsner.  These specialy beers are a success and start winning prizes and they haven't looked back since.